The Feminization of Currency:

Using Your Power to Shape the Present and Future


First Date: September 10th

Time: 5PM PST

Duration: 90 mins

In this 3 part workshop, you will:

  • Discover how the global evolving definition and understanding of finance, the economy and investment have shaped your world

  • Clear personal challenges about currency at an energetic level to make way for greater abundance

  • Learn practical strategies, fueled by your enhanced power, that shape your reality and create a richer world

  • When signing up for all three sessions, homework will be sent to you via email, so you can dig deeper and uncover riches that may be hidden in your unconscious mind.

  • The sessions are live and recorded. If you’re unable to attend, the recording will be sent to you via email.

    Cost: $444 (all 3) or $150 (per class)

PART ONE: September 10th @ 5PM PST

Energy: The power and opportunity to shape the world by women’s understanding of new investments, energy and purpose.

Our institutions and societal experience were built on a model of dominant, masculine power. Over the last 20 years, we have been experiencing the impact of a potential balancing factor of feminine energy. How has feminine energy and power come to be a powerful factor in redefining and shaping our lives and our society? What conscious choices do we have to advance its influence now and for our children?

PART TWO: September 24th @ 5PM PST

Energy: Get to know who you are, why you’re here, how you think about currency, and how you might describe your relationship with it.

Explore the pathway that brought you to your current relationship to finance, its influences and the strengths and challenges that result. Discuss how this shapes your energetic map of reality. Do a collective energetic clearing of traditional perspectives to make room for greater abundance. Reflect on "my transforming relationship to abundance." What important relationships, if any, may change as a result of your perspective(s)? What can you do to address that/those changes? What one habit will support you in reminding you of your new relationship to abundance?  

PART THREE: October 1st @ 5PM PST

Energy: Realign your new beliefs, strategies and tools to create a richer life for yourself, your children and our collective future.

Integrate your learning, and create a foundation for a new Map of Reality that places the abundance of life at the center. Create energetic and practical strategies for prioritizing the richness of your life. This session includes what was learned through homework as well as discussion, Q&A and new exercises you take with you.